Porter's Dress Code
Clothing should be appropriate for learning and athletic activities in the school environment. Wearing Porter logo t-shirts is encouraged.It's a fast and simple way to show Porter pride!
In addition:
Hats,hoods, du-rags and bandanas are not to be worn on school campus. Hats maybe worn correctly in exceptional cases as defined by staff.
Clothing should not be too tight or too loose. Inappropriate attire includes, but is not limited to
Girls: Shirts should cover the entire torso. Halter tops, spaghetti straps, tank tops and bare midriff tops are not allowed.. Shorts, skirts and dresses should fall below the fingertips when arms are at your side.
Boys: If pants are too big and sag, a belt needs to be worn. Shirts should be of an appropriate size
Shoes must be suitable for physical activity. They need to be closed toed, correctly sized and appropriate for physical activity. Tennis shoes are considered safe footwear for school and are recommended for daily wear.
Make-up is not appropriate for elementary school and is not to be worn or brought to school.
Artificial nails are not permitted at school.
Jewelry should not be excessive. Hoops larger than a nickel or dangling earrings longer than a nickel are not permitted.
Clothing may not advertise or advocate the use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs or involvement in gang activity. This also applies to garments with writing or pictures that are obscene, suggestive, or depict violence. Inappropriate logos, wording or advertisements are not allowed.
Hairstyleand artificial coloring should not distract learning.
Cell phone use during the day is not permitted. Cell phones may be stored in thestudent's backpack in the off position. If a cell phone is found on, in use orrings during the day, it will be taken from the student and held for parent pick-up.
Note: Students who dress inappropriately for school may be sent home to change or parents may be contacted to bring a change of clothes to school for their child. Offensive articles, makeup, excessive jewelry or ANY item which causes a distraction to the instructional program will be held in the office for parent pick up. If not claimed by a parent within 30 days they will be discarded. In the event an adult cannot be reached to provide appropriate clothing, clothing will be loaned from the Health Office. Frequent violations of the Porter School Dress Code will require a parent conference.